Graphic Project

Graphic and Animal Project


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All of the people in my group thought the distinctive unifying formal qualities in my antonym project are the shapes, and value. They pointed out that the shapes and value for both words give it quality of form and meanings. For the word strong they said the darkness of the abstract conveys strength and in the real life object they said the shadows and light on the folds correlate to the spaces in between the circular shapes on the abstract piece.

In terms of the material I used they thought that the push pins worked well to relate to the word weak. One of the reasons why the pins work well is because the pins are not pushed in into anything. They are just on top of the paper. It is almost like “they can role away from the page.” Even thought they are pointy they are not as powerful and painful as other harp object like the x-knife.
illuce said that she thought of the whole piece as a yin-yang dynamic. She noted the different relationships between the materials I used and the words I working with. She emphasized how a scarf which is seen as something soft and warm to describe the word strong that has boldness to it. In the other hand I used pins which are sharp objects to describe the word weak. The objects I used contradict the antonym words. However, they work perfectly because of the way I arranged the scarf and the pins to manipulate them into taking a new meanings.
Successful Projects
Itzel’s cancer preventer eagle is  a successful animal project! The material she used to perfectly expresses the mission of the eagle. Such as the spicks though out the body and the pointy parts of the feet describes the power of the eagle. Also the colors of the different parts of the animal also helps to make the connection to the eagle’s task.
Rachel’s graphic project is another successful project. I think the transition from the abstract to the real life works really well. Especially, for the word “constrain” her use of money helps to illustrate the meaning of the word. The way she arranged the quarters also help to add on the meaning of constrain.
 Lesson Learned
Therefore, one thing I learned from this project is that at the end materials conveys more meaning to the piece if they are manipulated and arrenged in the right way. This project definitely adds on to the idea of visual thinking. The way we perceive things and associate different meaning to the same subject. One of the main reasons why I think art is subjective. Each person can look at one piece of art and take away many different meaning than what the artist intended to do. Therefore, the point of the project was for us to expand on the idea of visually thinking.
For the animal project, I really liked how you get to see the skill of the animal visible and present in their projects. In some ways the animal project connects to the graphics project. I noticed that the materials they used gave meanings and added characteristics to the animals they created which is the same think I noticed in graphic project.
 Extra Week?
If I had an extra week to work on the project I would fix my pictures and make them a little more straight. I would also like to see how the whole project would look if I kept the “weak” real life picture as I originally had it on the abstract (declining from left to right). Since now I know materials and arraignment of them build on the meaning of the words I would like to see if there are other ways to describe weakness using the same pins.
 What is Visual Thinking?
Visual thinking has three distinct but interconnected ideas. First, in visual thinking you describe what you see in front of you. For instance, you describe how the lines are, the different shapes you see, the values that are present or the colors. Secondly, you start to put your input on the things you see. You can start naming the materials you notice and analysis what you know about the objects being used. To help you can ask yourself how is the object usually used, and what kind of meaning does that give off? if the answers are not obvious you can research them and start bringing meanings to it. Lastly, you use the two previous parts to make a conclusion of the object. What does the whole art or piece mean? you can conclude what you think about the art in this last section of visual thinking.

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